Is obtained :
- manual laminar layers of fiberglass impregnated with polyester resin
- combined and applied chopped fiber (polispray), the mold
- vacuum bagging

Surface preparation
1. First mold release wax applied in thin layers using a sponge and plain. Work the wax in small circles.
2. The next step is the application layer demulant liquid, that is polyvinyl alcohol.
3. After demulantul liquid dries, it can move towards gelcoat the mold., read more…….
Applying the mold gelcoat
Highly recommended for execution pleasure boats gelcoat fiberglass is gelcoat isophthalic with neopentilglicol, it has a high hardness, very bright, high resistance to marine conditions and does not absorb water. Usually, it uses white pigment.
Gelcoat is ready for use after adding the percentage of hardener (methyl ethyl ketone peroxide), read more………
Tips / Key Points
Gelcoat be mixed before use (10 minutes to 24 hours). A low viscosity will cause excessive mixing, increasing the risk of flow and formation porosity.
Gelcoat be mixed deep and surface, avoiding turbulence, read more……
The first layer consists of a reinforcement layer stratimat 300 g / mg powder. Be applied after the gelcoat has hardened layer (between 30 min. And an hour, but no more).
Use a polyester resin tixotropizat general use, with the addition of hardener recommended. Do not mix more resin than you can use a period of 20 min.
Resin applied over gelcoat spray strengthened by your age or with a brush, roller or lamb leather. Should apply a thick and smooth, if it can double in weight over ranfort. The first layer of resin and fiber moisten be pressed to follow the contour model without double layers, cuts or scratches.
Then go to these three layers, only that here you use stratimat 450 g / mg. Stratimat combining the cuts from this layer and the following should be done with an overlap of 50 mm.
Thus, the piece will have a total thickness of approx. 5.5 mm, and will have the following structure:
- gelcoat,
- one one mat 300 g / mg
- one three layers of matte 450 g / mg
- one one layer of fabric 500 g / mg
-one one layer of mat 300 g / mg, read more………
Let the rod surface to dry in a day or two after mold that can be extracted.
Deburring or cleaning
Deburing is execute with angular grinder. Trimming or deburring is performed with an angular grinder or other machine of its kind.
All edges from cutting or grinding, must be applied by brush to have a layer of resin to cover the heads of fiberglass.