6.Inserts and supports
To reduce the risk of internal stress and dimensional change of the laminate, teaching or reinforcing elements of steel angles or similar sections must be assembled on the mold after having been preassembled. Not allowed welding, grinding, drilling frame after it was rolled on the mold. Different parts of the framework must be cut, bent and adjusted to fit the mold as planned.All components are placed temporarily in the mold and combined with necklaces, steel wire, etc.. If necessary, you can solder small parts to blend elements together. Temporary framework must be sufficiently strong to be removed from the mold.
When the ready, is removed from the mold and finally soldered. Holes are added and the suspension rings, wheels and other practical elements.
Complete model is then cleaned and degreased and placed back on mold. Note that the surface model to be rolled on the mold must be placed flush with the mold surface.
If there are gaps between model and mold, they will be filled with polyester putty before rolling. If the settlement pattern and the mold contact surface is perfect and good enough to laminate chopped strand mat 450 square meters, to secure the matrix model.
Consider the thermal expansion of the framework so as to act as an agent of integration and as a basis for assembly and use.
Frames should not be just a collection of steel bars, each bar must have a function and be positioned correctly.
When the ready, is removed from the mold and finally soldered. Holes are added and the suspension rings, wheels and other practical elements.
Complete model is then cleaned and degreased and placed back on mold. Note that the surface model to be rolled on the mold must be placed flush with the mold surface.
If there are gaps between model and mold, they will be filled with polyester putty before rolling. If the settlement pattern and the mold contact surface is perfect and good enough to laminate chopped strand mat 450 square meters, to secure the matrix model.
Consider the thermal expansion of the framework so as to act as an agent of integration and as a basis for assembly and use.
Frames should not be just a collection of steel bars, each bar must have a function and be positioned correctly.
7. Removing mold from the model
If the model surface is resistant to styrene monomer and if wax was carefully should not experience problems in removing the mold from the model. Linking ejectorii the compressed air, mold can be removed from the model.
If the matrix is stiff, do not use force until you've tried the following variants:- ejectorii connected to a water source and allow the water to rise slightly from the pattern matrix.
insert a wooden wedge (wedge release) at the edges. Try entering the open air in these trenches.
Set a temporary socket outlet and plug it made pipe air or water. Repair the hole once you remove the mold.
If none of the above methods fail, try them on the following: matrix separated using a hydraulic model
Carefully remove the pieces of the matrix model. This will destroy the model and will affect the matrix.
If the model surface is resistant to styrene monomer and if wax was carefully should not experience problems in removing the mold from the model. Linking ejectorii the compressed air, mold can be removed from the model.
If the matrix is stiff, do not use force until you've tried the following variants:- ejectorii connected to a water source and allow the water to rise slightly from the pattern matrix.
insert a wooden wedge (wedge release) at the edges. Try entering the open air in these trenches.
Set a temporary socket outlet and plug it made pipe air or water. Repair the hole once you remove the mold.
If none of the above methods fail, try them on the following: matrix separated using a hydraulic model
Carefully remove the pieces of the matrix model. This will destroy the model and will affect the matrix.