4. Laminate surface 

The first layer is reinforced veil In an area, plus a layer of chopped fiber (stratimat) 300 gsm, powder. Be applied immediately after the gelcoat has hardened layer well (from at least 3 hours and up to a maximum of 6:00). 
Use a special polyester resin molds recommended the addition of hardener. 
Do not mix more resin than you can use in a time of 20 min. 
Resin applied over gelcoat spray strengthened by your age or with a brush, roller or lamb leather. 
Should apply a thick and smooth, if it can double in weight over ranfort. The first layer of gauze moisten the surface with resin and must be pressed to follow the contour model without double layers, cuts or scratches. 
Wait about 2 min.şi leave ranfortul (glass fiber) to be impregnated by the base, before you start rolling with a metal roller for a total impregnation ranfortului, forcing the air out. 
Use a thick brush to narrow places (difficult) or corners. Impregnating the first layer must be done carefully to avoid forming bubbles. 
If after layer of polyester resin gelcoat is not enough to completely cover the surface of the fiber, resin on the surface longer apply checkmate, but this thing should be avoided because air can easily penetrate the surface and is difficult to eliminate. 
Do not try to get high in the first layer of fiberglass, but make a smooth rolling without air bubbles. 
Deformation of the matrix should be corrected carefully so as not to remain areas of reinforced resin. 
Sharp corners or edges for removable dies, you can apply roving fiber (wire) coated well, before the checkmate. 
After the first coat is completely impregnated, and let geleze. 
When laminate is still wet, the edges should be smoothed with a sharp knife. Repeat for each layer. Thus, the edges will not have to mold the grinding wheel. When building the model, clean edges to facilitate equalization.After smoothing the edges allow first coat to dry overnight. 
Check carefully the next day laminate that has no air bubbles. 
If they are present, soak, be cleaned with a knife to be filled with resin in the next layer. It again requires particular attention to corners and edges. It also removed by cutting or grinding all proieminenţă so that area should be fully ready for implementation next layer. 
Use the same method to roll the third layer, only here you use stratimat 450 gsm. 
Stratimat combining the cuts from this layer and the following should be done with an overlap of 50 mm. 
The third layer laminate also will leave to dry overnight. 
Do not forget to the edges. 
Repeat the following three layers using stratimat 450 gsm, and leaving each coat to dry overnight after equalized edges. 
To give a mold resistance should be applied and a layer of fabric 500 gsm. 
The last layer will be all the stratimat 450 gsm, 
Surface layer of the mold is now ready and should be composed of :
- gelcoat, 
- a thin mat, 
- a mat of 300 g / sqm 
- four layers of matte 450 gsm, 
- a layer of fabric 500 g / sqm 
- a layer of matte 450 gsm, having a thickness of about 7 mm 
- (0.35 + 0.3 + 0.6 + 0.9 + 0.9 + 0.9 + 0.9 + 1 + 0.9 = 6.75) 
     Let the surface dry rolled to an extra day or two. 

5. Laminate strength and structure 

Manually produced molds must be reinforced by additional rolling resistance layer and adding inserts. 
Alternatively, the matrix can be strengthened by making a rolling resistance layer sandwich. 
Laminate strength must be built sequentially, with two layers of stratimat maximum of 450 g / m² per day. 
The fabric can also be used in a total of at least six layers of stratimat 450 gsm, gelcoat applied over first layer and if it was left to build up at least a week. To strengthen the laminate, the fabric is used as the final or penultimate layer laminate. After the layer of resistance was achieved at the necessary depth and left to dry for at least one week, you can add inserts appropriate. This should be done carefully to avoid loading the size and formation of internal stresses. 
Resistance layer sandwich method can be applied directly on the surface layer, where it was left to build up at least a week. 
Joining is then wood or other reinforcing material. When choosing this material, thermal note. Lamination should be done to avoid interruptions areas loaded with resin and not to cause internal tensions.